How To Choose The Best Rolling Tray Size?

For some cannabis users, rolling with a rolling tray is a standard practice. Although rolling cannabis with paper is a relatively new practice, it has gained popularity and is undoubtedly here to stay. In addition to dispensaries and smoke businesses, rolling trays are frequently seen in corner stores and gas stations. There are many different tray sizes available but the small-to-medium trays are the most frequently offered.

Small Rolling Trays

A small product requires a lot of work from small rolling trays. They are enjoyable to collect because of the wide range of stunning designs, animations and images found in each one. A lot of customers discover that the best rolling trays are easier to hold and use on a regular basis than the larger ones. If you prefer rolling joints to blunts, they're ideal for more private smoking sessions. They might also be better suited for skilled, agile rollers. 

Medium Rolling Trays

Our medium-sized rolling trays showcase our extensive collection of rolling tray forms, figures and graphics. Some regular customers still use or prefer medium, although some prefer tiny. Because they have more space to work with, even more seasoned rollers occasionally feel more at ease using a medium rolling tray than a smaller one. It also doesn't hurt that most of our mediums have high sides and curved edges.

Large Rolling Trays

Lastly, big and best rolling trays can leave a lasting impact on cannabis craft enthusiasts. They're ideal for rolling out (pun intended) for big events like parties. Alternatively, if you simply like more empty space on your tray, then huge might be more your style.

We hope that our guide today helped you understand the differences between each size. After that, give yourself some time to choose which rolling tray size could be best for you.


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