Rolling Tray - A 'Must-have' Component of an Ideal Smoking Set
A Smoking Set is a prized possession and undoubtedly one of the most diverse stuff that you can have as a stoner. A smoking set can surely go to the extent of defining your style statement.
This is irrespective of whether you are more into roll joints or you are more a lover of blunts. However, it comes true only when the smoking set, so defined, is complete with a tray that facilitates effortless rolling of cigarettes.

Do you really need a tray?
Yes, you DO!! After all, a nicely shaped tray will help you keep all the weed in a place, and that is indeed something you mustn’t ignore.
You hardly find anyone who will be able to roll up all the weed without dropping a bit of it on the table - even if it is only ‘just a little bit'. Now, they are expensive, and you cannot lose even a molecule of it. That's where a rolling tray counts.
It helps you catch all these tiny specs and nugs of weed. That’s why no smoking box is complete sans a nice looking tray that is complete with all the finesse and sleekness that you can imagine.
Do their absence or presence matter to you?
When you are travelling, a tray will let you roll up without the fear of losing some of your greens when you stuff them up. Do not ignore this, for if have a habit of dropping the bud while stuffing, you will obviously lose some of them.
So here is the bottom line. Rolling trays are there to preserve your weed, and you do not have to change even a single thing while you stiff your stick. That's why they are inseparable parts of the best smoking set. Just pack the chillum or the bong or just roll a blunt over the tray and you have your ‘stick'.
On a lighter note, you will be on your way to having enough greens for a stormy evening when you cannot step out to have a new pack if you have run out of your weeds. It also helps when you just do not feel that urge of grinding up a new pack of nugs.

So no more wandering about why smoking trays are a part of smoking sets. Peruse these lines once again if you are still not convinced. You will realise why you need one when you are rolling up next time!
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