Rolling Tray - A 'Must-have' Component of an Ideal Smoking Set

A Smoking Set is a prized possession and undoubtedly one of the most diverse stuff that you can have as a stoner. A smoking set can surely go to the extent of defining your style statement. This is irrespective of whether you are more into roll joints or you are more a lover of blunts. However, it comes true only when the smoking set, so defined, is complete with a tray that facilitates effortless rolling of cigarettes. Do you really need a tray? Yes, you DO!! After all, a nicely shaped tray will help you keep all the weed in a place, and that is indeed something you mustn’t ignore. You hardly find anyone who will be able to roll up all the weed without dropping a bit of it on the table - even if it is only ‘just a little bit'. Now, they are expensive, and you cannot lose even a molecule of it. That's where a rolling tray counts. It helps you catch all these tiny specs and nugs of weed. That’s why no smoking box is complete sans a nice looking tray th...