A STONER’S GUIDE: Different Rolling Papers Discussed!

Having a good rolling paper does wonders in improving your overall smoking experience! But since there are so many to choose from, it is wise to opt for those made of natural materials. Your choice of selection should always exist among papers made of Rice, Hemp, Wood and other fibres depending on the kind of taste, roll-skills, burn-speed, etc. To help you make an informed decision on procuring your next pack of rolling papers here’s stating those quality options. Brown Paper or White Rolling Paper:- Each rolling paper comes with separate porosity which assists in controlling the burning rate and the ventilation. Some papers are prepared with extra substances which helps stabilise the papers’ smoke and ash and even determine its burn. Most white rolling papers will consist of a chemical aspect, namely Calcium carbonate or Chlorine, to reduce the burn rate. The same can be said for some flavoured or coloured rolling papers. You have no reason to inhale these chemi...